
Tuesday 12 June 2012

Pirate Ogre Whaler - Part 3 of 3

The figure was painted using my usual 'Block, Wash and Highlight' method. As I mentioned to my mate Ade (WargamingForFun) recently I really find painting a necessary evil.

Hat & Tattoo Detail
I added the anchor and sperm whale tattoos along with his latest tally onto the ogre's shoulder.
Rear View
The false leg was painted to resemble whale bone/ivory - based on Gregory Peck's portrayal of the character Captain Ahab from the film 'Moby Dick'.

I also added a little red and green (as I believe ogres are equal opportunity killers) gore to the cleaver .

The only drawback to this figure is now I think he bears an unhealthy resemblance to the guitarist Slash from the popular 80's rock combo Guns 'n' Roses (never my cup of tea, to be honest). He's only lacking the dark poodle perm hairstyle.
I do have a couple of further ideas to that would enable me to produce possibly two more ogres on a vaguely pirate theme. These, however are both on the back burner for the immediate future as I am heading in a historical direction.

Monday 11 June 2012

Pirate Ogre Whaler - Part 2 of 3

For several weeks, this figure stood idly by, silently watching as other figures were made and painted. Then, for some reason, I recalled a comment (made by someone on TMP - thanks Skeptic!) about a previous ogre model I had made,

"Nice idea! Now, how about a pirate ogre whaler (with harpoon, of course)?"
The answer to all my problems

Aha, what a good idea. With this in mind I used Google (All Hail) Images and obtained enough reference material to be able to scratch-build the harpoon.

The main body of the harpoon itself was made from the ever useful waste plastic sprue that is normally thrown away (but being a modeller I naturally hoard the stuff).

The metal shaft was made from metal tube (actually the cut down needle from an empty liquid poly cement applicator).

The head of the harpoon was made from greenstuff, formed into a suitable pointy shape.

The rope is from scrap copper electric cable, two strands were bent around a pen and then twisted until it has the appearance of rope.

Looking at the ogre with its false leg and harpoon - it gradually dawned on me who it reminded me of; Captain Ahab (played by the late great actor Gregory Peck) in the classic 1956 film 'Moby Dick'. As I didn't really want to make a long coat (because I'm lazy and it might just appear on another ogre figure I have in mind) the other notable item of clothing in his wardrobe was his hat. This would also help distinguish him from the other ogre figures.

After removing the previous tricorn hat I did initially consider making the new hat from greenstuff but I thought using thin plastic card would be more suitable (and easier).
I rolled a thin strip of plastic sheet into a tubular, oval shape, then clamped (with small bulldog clips) and glued it in order to hold it into its new form. Just as a little detail I cut triangular shapes into the back of the hat to indicate bite marks and hint at just how this chap might have lost his leg.

Friday 8 June 2012

Pirate Ogre Whaler - Part 1 of 3

a.k.a Yet another pirate ogre.

This figure is the latest in the occasional series of models all based around the pirate ogre theme. These few posts record the rather torturous method I used to complete this miniature.
Initial mock up
The initial idea behind this figure was to create a figure based on the Long John Silver character from Robert Louis Stevenson's classic story 'Treasure Island'. I gave the model a greenstuff eye-patch and cut off one of the legs. I had planned on giving the figure a crutch, but more of this later.

Recalling the previous ogre pirates, I had supplied one with food and drink; thinking along these lines I wanted this ogre to be a hardened booze hound so I thought 'Give him a proper drink'. Rather than just a wimpy cup I reasoned why not give him the barrel to use as a beer jug.

The jug is made from a spare barrel I had left over from a previous raid on Ade's spares box. One end was cut away to form a hollow shape (although I then went and filled it back up again with plastic off cuts and melted it all with liquid poly cement to form a smooth surface).

The pipe is made from scrap plastic sprue simply using an approximate sized drill bit to hollow out the pipe and whittling away the shaft until it looked suitably pipe-like.

Note the liberal use of Blu-Tac. I use this to try out ideas to see if they'll work. It allows you to step back (literally) and view the model from a distance to see if they look right. You will see in the inital stages I had planned on having an owl sit on the ogre's shoulder (the owl was the only model bird I could lay my hands on as I didn't fancy the hard work of making another parrot).

Once happy with the basic idea I pinned the right foot of the model to the base using a small cutoff piece of a paper clip.

The smoothly filled barrel looked quite boring so being a proper ale fan I added a nice foamy head with greenstuff. I glued the barrel directly against the ogre's hand and, when dry, added a greenstuff handle.

The earring was made from cutting away a random piece of plastic I spotted lurking in Ade's spares box.

The tricorn hat is made from the ubiquitous greenstuff.

With the belly plate, I cut away the existing triangular 'teeth' and then modelled the skull and crossbones into place with greenstuff. This was done simply by using two long strips and an oval blob of greenstuff. Then using a blade, a scribe and a sculpting tool I cut and poked the material until it looked vaguely like a 'skull and crossbones' shape.

Useless walking stick

Note the owl is still only Blu-Tac'ed into position
The false leg was made from the cap of an empty Revell poly cement needle applicator. I made the majority of this figure at roughly the same time as the pirate ogre fisherman model but I got to this stage and just hit a mental blank. The main trouble was that it looked too similar to a previous ogre figure I had made (the ogre musician/bellower) especially with the false leg. It didn't help matters that I hadn't checked to see if this was the same limb I had lopped off the other miniature. Typically it was the same left leg - ahh fudge!
Originally I thought of having the figure hobbling along with a crutch tucked under his left arm, but I simply couldn't make this work. Someone had suggested the clever idea drilling a hole between the arm and the body to accommodate the head of the crutch but I still couldn't figure how the hand would hold the support. After giving up the crutch idea I then tried to make a walking stick from sprue. But to be perfectly honest it looked awful, the angles were all wrong (see photos above). I realised that instead of looking like a fearsome monstrous brute I had just made the ogre look like a disgruntled OAP ("Go and play round your own end, pesky little ogres! Moan, moan, gripe, gripe").